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​​I am not a GP but here is my advice from having a child with this condition and the treatment that she has been given. Every person is different so please consult your GP​

​My daughter Bethany is three years old and she is treated with lots of different creams they are moisturizers and different steroid creams depending on how bad her skin can be. She Also has Piriton four times a day to try and control the itchiness as it is a antihistamines. My daughter has night antihistamines, which helps her sleep, so the risk of scratching is less and if all fails we use bandages to bandage her arms and legs so she can not scratch. Bethany gets infected eczema a lot, which means she is also put onto different antibiotics to kill the infection. When it comes to bath time Bethany has an ointment that i put in her bath so her skin does not dry out so much in the water. In the sun and heat we have a special sunscreen to use to try make her more comfortable. At the moment this is the only treatment that my daughter has been given there may be more out there but i am not aware of them.


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